By jatu on 2016年2月29日, 星期一
Category: Blog Post

Food Fate

Have you ever think to stop eating? Do you believe there will always be food supply enough?

We have to know on 2050 human population will increase up to 9 billion people. All of them need food for stay living. Whereas in fact, there are only 570 million farmers, only can produced 2 million ton of grains each year. So they need to pump up their production up to 110% to provide food for all, or we need to compete each other due to fill our basic needs. In other hand, If we still using technology such as chemical compound and GMO for agriculture, it can make the residue and moreover land degradation up to 25% per year by 2030 and this way also contributes in climate change. So it can't solve the problems in sustainability side.

Start from this bold problems, my community (Agriculture Youth Community) reacted to take real action. Start from creating organic market and workshops events every month, then we got a partnership with Jenderal Sudirman Center Foundation. It has research product named JENDERALIUM. The concept is to bring the fertile compound from volcano materials to the area which is lack of plant nutrition. We used the raw materials from volcano mountain which is rich with bio-mineral compound and it extracted to be smaller particles so the plant can absorbed it 100%. Then it mixed with the bio-agents to add more immunity to the plant so it can growth stronger against the diseases.

From this research, we know that if we can provide and transport the nutrients to the plant precisely, it can really help the plant stronger and give the best yield ever. Zero waste. JENDERALIUM work as bio-remidiation and also increasing the plant productivity. already proved to solve the problems at least from social, economic, and environment sector. JENDERALIUM can give the pH back from 3 to 6.5 only in 3 days in Merauke, West Papua. Without adding lime stone. So derived from this solution, we want to make a movement to burn the spirit back in agriculture, and STOP USING THE CHEMICAL COMPOUND with our pilot project called BerlaRI (Sustainable Farming for Indonesian).

With this valuable technology, we want to share  it to help the peasant gain their spirits back to their farm. We want to create the mindset that farming is easy and promising. BerlaRI is the program to transfer this technology to the peasant by training them to become Lestarians (leader of sustainable agriculture). This pilot project will start in West Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesiaas one of the worst area affected by El Nino last year, insecure in food area, and mostly marginal land. With the BerlaRI, we want to make the West Nusa Tenggara become green! The program mixed the government and #lestarian (young people who want to be sustainable farmer) to share this technology and we trained them until they can useJENDERALIUM to save their land. This program also got the Grand Prize as 1st Champion in Global Leadership Development Research and Proposal by Global Leadership Institute, last Sunday (21 February 2016). On that time we also planned to have collaboration project in Guinea, Africa. It is also my reason why I have to join the GCARD3 Global Event.

As Bachelor in Agriculture, I briefly want to be responsible to share my knowledge in agriculture development. That’s why I really have high motivation to boost up the latest technology and spread it seeds around the world. As Founder and Team Leader of Agriculture Youth Community (Indonesia), I really proud of this community because this hyperactive community can growth professionally and always be the trusted one empowering young farmer generation, especially in Yogyakarta region. My own goal is leading your green way to feed this hunger world using the smart and shortcut sustainable technology to delete wasting time, so everybody can live a life.

This blog post is part of the GCARD3 Youth blogpost applications. The content, structure and grammar is at the discretion of the author only.

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