By Kisiedu Acquaye on 2020年8月12日, 星期三
Category: Blog Post

Happy Youth Day from YPARD Africa

As youth all around the world celebrate the UN International Youth Day, it is a good time to reflect on the situation of youth across the globe and spread some hope.

A good understanding of the challenges the youth face as well as how they themselves creatively tackle these challenges form a good basis for the congratulatory and encouragement messages on this great day. It is with this understanding that YPARD Africa wishes all youth around the world and particularly in Africa a Happy Youth Day Celebration.

Reflections on the youth

Did you know that globally, for every adult that complains of not having a job, there are three young people crying the same cry? Are you aware that among every group of five young people, there is one who has no form of education or training- and even worse is unemployed? These are interesting facts you would discover from the International Labour Organization’s publication on Global Trends for Youth last year. These facts draw more attention to Africa since one out of every two people you meet here is likely to be below the age of 25.

Recognising that youth themselves are not a problem but part of the solution to their own challenges, YPARD stands out to present agriculture as a viable career option for youth and to empower them to make an impact in the sector through active involvement and contribution to strategic discussions.

Messages from YPARD Africa

To urge Young Professionals on to continue their great works in contributing to development in our communities especially in agriculture, some members of the YPARD Team from our country chapters have penned down some lines to wish our fellow youth a good celebration on this special day.

YPARD Gambia

In recognition of the International Youth Day, it is vital to highlight the role young people play in agriculture. The dynamic work being done by the youth is evident in various online and offline platforms. This, combined with agriculture can only yield great results for the sector.

Young people have the passion and energy to drive the needed transformation of the agriculture sector.

So today, as youth at the forefront, we wish to renew our commitment to further strengthen our role by taking the lead in the development of the sector into productive agribusinesses and to create more opportunities for all players across all value chains.

Haddy M. Ceesay- Country Representative, YPARD Gambia

YPARD Uganda

At YPARD Uganda, we know and understand the power of youth to transform agriculture not only for our country but for the region and continent as well. Our young members are actively engaged at different levels of the value chain including inputs supply, production, value addition, and marketing. Our young people are behind the growing trend of agricultural digitization which is becoming more important especially during this period of COVID-19 epidemic. No doubt, these young people are making a great impact and will continue to do so.

However, these young people need their voices to be heard- the right policies in place, and the development of their skills and knowledge. Also, accessible innovation and investment incentives should be put in place to be able to fully harness the potential of the youth to contribute to feeding the growing African population. For the youth to effectively play their role in agriculture development, all stakeholders have a role to play to achieve this.

I believe together, we will achieve our dream of the transformation of agriculture on our beloved continent. Happy Youth Day!

Paul Zaake- Country Representative, YPARD Uganda

YPARD Nigeria

Today marks a special moment in our world. We celebrate our day: The International Youth Day. This reinforces our commitment to create more opportunities for youth and acknowledge the bold actions of agripreneurs and young farmers. Our little efforts count, they strengthen global impact.

The fact remains that youth need agriculture, and agriculture needs youth to thrive. YPARD Nigeria celebrates you. #IYD2020

Eric Nyikwagh, Country Representative, YPARD Nigeria


The African population is distinguished by its youth mass which represents the region’s enormous agricultural potential. The development of our continent will inevitably require the engagement of young agricultural professionals- the bearers of innovative ideas for the transformation of our communities through development projects. I encourage young professionals in agriculture to get involved in the development of our continent as I wish you all a Happy Youth Day!

Tamawoe Zimare ISSIFOU, Working Group Member- YPARD Togo

With these notes sent on behalf of the entire YPARD Africa Team, we wish all youth across the continent and all over the world great success as we join hands to contribute to a food secure world without poverty.

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