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Institutionalization of YPARD Serbia through partnership with Youth for Impact

After YPARD Serbia’s participation at the event “Together for the better support for young farmers” last December 2018, organized by YPARD Serbia's partners (Divac Foundation), the country chapter created a connection with the association Youth for Impact Itana Miljani?.

Since this association has a similar mission as YPARD Serbia and projects that includes young farmers and young professionals in agriculture, I as the YPARD Serbia country representative suggested a meeting with the founder of this association, so we can discuss more closely about our potential partnership.

The association Youth for Impact was founded last year to create equal possibilities and contribute to improving the quality of life for young people in Serbia. Their vision is a world where the youth have access to resources, contacts and training for skills, so they can reach their full potential.

YPARD Serbia is dedicated to creating an environment where youth in agriculture can reach their full potential in farming: increase the number of youth interested in agriculture, increase knowledge of young farmers in the field of production and make market access easier.

That's way Youth for impact and YPARD Serbia found a common ground where we can start from and where we can give the best of us to help young people, especially those who are interested in agriculture.

After a very productive talk, we concluded that we can help each other with future common projects, research, promotion, and useful information. Since YPARD Serbia doesn't exist in any kind of legal sense in Serbia and we couldn't apply for projects in the state and the association Youth for Impact needs help with relevant information about young farmers from research and interviews – we find a common interest. Youth for impact will be the hosting association for YPARD Serbia!!!

That's how YPARD Serbia could apply for projects (in partnership with YFI), this will make the position of young farmers and young professionals in agriculture better (which is the main mission of YPARD Serbia).

Making Youth for Impact our hosting institution will make a lot of our ideas come true easily!

We look forward to a productive and fruitful partnership with this organization and are excited for all that the future will bring for youth in agriculture!

We hope, that this blog post will just be the beginning of one very long and successful partnership.

Picture credit: YPARD Serbia and YFI

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