By Michelle Kovacevic on 2015年10月16日, 星期五
Category: Blog Post

Principles of fundraising webinar: Does money make the world go round?

by Jolan van Herwaarden

Update, 5 Nov. 2015: The webinar about the principles of fundraising is now closed. Watch the recorded webinar. Learn more about Jolan, our Expert Guest from The Resource Alliance, below.

Money makes the world go round, right? Well, maybe that is not entirely true (I personally think it is Empathy but let’s not mince words). It is true that money will enable a lot of good things and the work of the charities and NGOs all over the world is testimony to that.

In my upcoming webinar on 4 November about the Principles of Fundraising, I am looking forward to show you the basics fundraising techniques that can be applied in any context or culture.

From the website and meetings with the Global Coordination Unit, I know that YPARD members all over the world have wonderful ideas and some are able to finance those ideas to become a real change for the better.

In the webinar we will not only look at all the techniques but also the strategy and planning that is needed for successful fundraising. There will also be information on international funds and opportunities. Part of it will be interactive and it would be great to hear your experiences, discuss and analyse them and share them with others.

My experience in the NGO sector started almost twenty years ago in the Netherlands when I joined the Aids Fonds as an activist/volunteer in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Amsterdam. Soon I was organising large fundraising events such as Walk for Life and World Aids Day on a national level. After six years I moved on to a women’s rights organisation as their first professional fundraiser, became Head of Fundraising and Communication for an International Development agency and set up the Major Donor programme for a large Cancer Society. Twelve years ago, I move from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom and more and more I became an international fundraiser. This was supported by the fact that I have been involved with the International Fundraising Congress in Holland for the last sixteen years.

Thus, I was lucky to acquire a large network of international contacts and it has enabled me all through those years, to learn, share and wonder over the experiences of fundraisers from all over the world. I am particularly inspired by fundraisers from countries with an emerging philanthropic culture and am infected by their drive and enthusiasm. Nevertheless, my studies in Marketing and Communication enabled me to encapsulate this experience into a holistic and business focused Resource Mobilisation. After many years in the field I was able to apply my knowledge and accomplishments in Fundraising Training and Coaching for a new generation of fundraisers.

Money is an important part of life and it can be the fuel towards a better world. Join us at the webinar and learn about all the tips and tricks that you can deploy to make your ideas and programmes become self-sustainable and real.

Discover all the YPARD webinars for 2015; build fundraising, communication and social media skills.

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