By CodrinPO on 2012年11月04日, 星期日
Category: Blog Post

Social Reporting Geeks signing off

It all started off as a challenge for a young group of social media enthusiasts that wanted to give a voice to young professionals in agricultural research for development (ARD) at the Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD 2012).

From all walks of life, young spirited people have gathered between October 25th and November 2nd 2012 in Punta del Este under the warm fun guidance of Peter “Grandpa” Casier (, teaching the Social Media Team (SMT) a “thing or two” about hash tags and virtual networking with people from across the world.

The objectives of the Social Reporting Geeks (as we like to be called) or the SMT (as the #GCARD2 followers recognized us) were simple enough:

And we had a voice during the #GCARD2:

Giving a voice to young professionals was the first step…

Here are some of the best tweets we had over the past week from some of our social reporters:

Federico Sancho (@FdSancho)
"AR4D and innovation is the benchmark to solve poverty problems #GCARD2"

Machteld Schoolenberg (@MachteldAnna)
"Today I’m #dreamingof Job Offers stating: “we encourage people <35yrs old to apply” #youth in #agriculture @YPARD #GCARD2"

Nawsheen Hosenally (@nawsheenh)
"We shud b moving away from business as usual. Rather than commodity approach, have farmer system approach. Should be farmer centric! #GCARD2"

Yash Saharawat (@YSSaharawat)
"Should not CRPs have positive discrimation for YOUTH as with GENDER???? Need to be emphasized by YPARD #GCARD2#YPARD"

Msekiwa Matsimbe (@msekiwa22)
"All of us must come together to make an impact in agriculture. its not just about CGIAR to drive.Time4 action is today! #GCARD2"

Mai Touma (@MaiiTouma)
"Face 2 Face Interaction is a MUST 4 exchanging and sharing knowledge going into actual production 4 farmers #GCARD2 #C21 #KM"

Noelia de los Santos (@noie71)
"El gasto público en la agricultura es muy importante ya que es un canal para hacer caer la pobreza.#GCARD2"

Codrin Paveliuc Olariu (@CodrinPO)
"Linking farmers to markets-> a community based approach at regional level <- impact on global food security through partnerships#GCARD2"

Marina Cherbonnier (@MarinaDev)
"Loved his curiosity:Ministry of #ag of France officer came at @YPARD booth asking that I show him how #Twitter works&benefits #GCARD2 #ict4d"

Olawale Isaiah Ojo (@whalayojo)
"Youth want to be successful but need demonstration of existing and cutting edge practice,interaction with industry practitioners#gcard"

We have crossed all borders (both figurately speaking and literally) and we would say now that the 2nd Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development has for sure spotted the light on crucial issues debated among Donors, stakeholders, and researchers in Agriculture, but it must have hit a bright flash on THE SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS used by YOUNG PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA REPORTERS (TRAINERS), trained by a super expert media geek; a fact that is proved by the statistics results in information technology, educational awareness, and knowledge sharing, spreaded all over the world for a better future and generation.

But it is now time to say our goodbyes and…sign off for the last time.

So the Social Reporting geeks say farewell to you all as they tweet while they beginning boarding their flights for home. won`t get rid of us this easy…

Blogpost by the Social Reporting Geeks of GCARD2

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