By Petra Walterova on 2015年3月13日, 星期五
Category: Blog Post

SustainabilityXchange: Your community in sustainable agricultural production and trade

Who we are?

SustainabilityXchange is the latest innovation in sustainable value chain development that facilitates interaction, knowledge and resource sharing among supply chain actors and technical assistance providers. We cordially invite you to become part of this new online platform promoting capacity building activities and the development of sustainable value chains in the sectors of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture.

Why SustainabilityXchange?

As our knowledge of sustainable practices in agriculture dramatically increases, the number of tools and strategies for promoting rural development and trade in sustainably sourced commodities increases too. SustainabilityXchange aims to centralize and share existing knowledge and available expertize on sustainable agricultural production and trade, both generic and issue-specific. Its mission is to help increase participation of agricultural producers from developing countries and emerging markets in (certified/verified) sustainable trade.

This user-owned platform allows everyone – businesses, governments, NGOs, standards, local service providers, trainers and SMEs – involved in sustainable production and trade around the world to pool and exchange information, resources and experiences.  As such, the platform fills an important need for knowledge-pooling on sustainable production and trade to move towards a greener global economy.

Promote your specific expertise, and reach out to new audiences!

SustainabilityXchange is owned by its community and free of charge. It is designed around five easily accessible services, making it a one-stop-shop of relevant information on sustainability in agricultural value chains.

As a young professional working in the agriculture sector, you might be interested in leveraging any of these services:

SustainabilityXchange is powered by Hivos, the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), 4C Association and UTZ Certified. It was developed in collaboration with the International Trade Centre (ITC), Fair and Sustainable Advisory Services (FSAS), Fair Access to Quality (FAQ), and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation.

It is particularly designed for developing countries – where sustainable development, improved livelihoods and smallholder capacity building are especially important.

Join our growing community: register and create your personalized expert profile, or contact us for more details, send us training documents you work with and help us to identify experts on different agricultural products, standards or other sustainability related topics. 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

Blog post written by Petra Walterova, consultant at the International Trade Centre, SustainabilityXchange coordinator (written in personal capacity, all views are her own)

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