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Sustainable Agriculture Training of Matigsalog Farmers in Palasungan

Palasungan is a community of Matigsalog Indigenous Peoples in Mindanao particularly in Bukidnon. Matigsalog leaders requested support in uplifting their lives through improving their farms. They have vast of ancestral land which could be develop to a productive land and in the future for the sustainability of their next generations.

As response my team facilitated 3 days activity which includes workshop on their farming situation and created plans and solutions. Part of the activity were my lectures on the principles of sustainable agriculture, climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture, soil fertility management, production of organic fertilizers and pesticides, contour farming, faith gardening, cocoa production and goat raising. The activity was participated by 41 youth farmers, IP leaders and women’s.

As part of the response, the farmers also individually received initial materials in improving their farm such as 12 types of vegetable seeds, farm tools such as bolo guna, bolo tip, shovel, grab hoe, grass hook, plastic sprinkler and sharpening stone. They also acquired communal tools to be borrowed by members such as knapsack sprayers, digging bars and rakes. Month after the activity each farmer also acquired 100 cocoa seedlings and 1-unit double drum corn sheller with 14 HP Diesel Engine.

As an IP Farmer, I see in their heart the importance of caring their land for the next generation. They suffer hunger at present and both of us have high hopes that sustainable agriculture training might lead their way in improving their farm by utilizing indigenous resources. Farm tools and inputs support might enable them to do more in producing safe and nutritious foods which can increase their source of food and surplus vegetables can be sold as source of income. Planting Coconut and Cocoa might lead them to a sustainable income and highly productive farm in the future.

The community is in the periphery but I manage to visit them monthly and I see every house have their own backyard gardens to be proud for. Everybody was happy that they consumed their produce, shared to other farmers and sell surplus vegetables as additional income.

Food for thought and networking at YPARD Netherlan...
On giants’ shoulders- Empowered through YAWS

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