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AGRA: a fruit of cross-pollination

In a world where division of labor and specialization is given much importance, we tend to forget that there is beauty in cross-pollination; convergence of different fields. Last year, 2016, YPARD Philippines had its mid-year planning. In the course of the meeting, one of the directives of the group was to find a way to use the arts in advancing our... Continue reading
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Mentoring youth for agricultural transformation - The 2017 Young Africa Works Summit

In the next two weeks, all youth in agriculture paths will convene in Kigali, Rwanda. Why so? The MasterCard Foundation will be hosting its second Young Africa Works Summit in Kigali Rwanda from February 16-17. This meeting will bring together 300 high-level influencers from NGOs, government, peer funders, the private sector and youth themselves to discuss not only how youth can... Continue reading
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Are you a researcher in Agriculture for International Development? Become a RAIDer!

Researchers in Agriculture for International Development (RAID) is a new Australian-based network, bringing together students and early to mid-career scientists with an interest in agricultural research in developing countries. The network was founded in late 2013 by a group of young Australian scientists, who saw an opportunity for international agricultural research to be used as tool for attracting young Australians into... Continue reading
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Nothing but inspiration: #tffsummit

#TFFSummit Top Left: The women that change the world, Top Right: Winners Team Innovision, Bottom Left: Runner up Team FoPo, Bottom Right: winners of the special prize and runner up, Team Aahaar. Photos Courtesy Thought for Food And the winners are… Team Innovision! You can see the shock and amazement on their faces having won the 2014 Thought for Food Challenge.... Continue reading
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Second Preparatory Meeting for the 2015 Global Congress - How to integrate agricultural communities in the Mediterranean region

Under the theme "No more left behind: rural communities in times of transitions", the Foundation for South-North Mediterranean Dialogue in association with the Global Forum of Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina organized the Second Preparatory Meeting for the 2015 Global Congress during the period November 8-9, 2014 in Alexandria, Egypt. Soliman Ayash and Yasmeen Sobhy, Egypt-based members of YPARD, were... Continue reading
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Doubling Maize Productivity by 2050

Maize will play an important role in the coming future for meeting rising demand for food, feed, nutrition and environment security. However, this nutritious crop needs further promotion for human consumption to fulfil under-nutrition in Asia-Pacific. Food, feed, nutrition and environment security The 12th Asian Conference and Expert Consultation on Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environment Security was organized on... Continue reading
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Welcoming YPARD Denmark representative: Majbrit Terkelsen

We are delighted to welcome our very first YPARD Country representative for Denmark: Majbrit Terkelsen. Majbrit has a bachelor degree in Agrobiology from the Aarhus University. Her main focus is on livestock and production animals’ role in agriculture. Along her studies, Majbrit became more and more interested in agriculture in a global context and started to attend courses with global perspectives... Continue reading
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Alumni: how we got employed

Young Professionals from different regions of the world were invited to share their experience of job hunting, during the YPARD and Agrinatura Career Fair, held on 16, September 2014, on the sideline of the Tropentag at CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences), Prague. "I didn't apply for many jobs; I wanted to keep a focus, target and apply for those jobs... Continue reading
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All in One Rhythm: How to use Youth and Agriculture to foster Development in Brazil

The day has finally come. After eight years of intensive planning, building and waiting, we will see the ball rolling at 5 pm today, Brasilia time, for the first match in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Surely, this journey means more than football. This period was also marked by a rising concern of Brazilian people for better days, for better living... Continue reading
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YPARD Pakistan promotes Youth Key Role for Environmental Sustainability during the World Environment Day

Conserving a clean and healthy environment for all Pakistanis has been the main’s day issue. In our daily lives, we are starting to face some problems that our past generations did not have. Nowadays, no one is free from getting ill by consuming water which is impure or getting no water at all due to lack of rain. Besides this, the population’s rate... Continue reading
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Meet the AgTraIn PhD programme!

The Agricultural Transformation by Innovation (AgTraIn) Programme is one of the Erasmus Mundus PhD programmes. Its main objective is to train the future researchers and professionals within the topics of successful sustainable development and transformation of farming systems in the developing world. The scope ranges from the technical aspects of agricultural production, over post-harvest management, processing and value-addition, to market access... Continue reading
  921 Hits
921 Hits

Involving Young People in Agricultural Development: why it's critical for the sustainability of the sector

Agricultural development specialists and policymakers around the world are concerned that young people are not interested in remaining in rural areas and taking up farming. Agriculture is rarely the first choice of many who study it. Agriculture holds no prestige and young people taking it up as a livelihood are not considered success stories in their communities. While there will always... Continue reading
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Old farmers never realize how much energy a young farmer can bring to the farm!

Last week a diverse group of people came together at the farm Veld & Beek in the Netherlands: young farmers, future farmers, old farmers, people from farming organisations and lots of press. They came to hear the story of Joel Salatin, according to Time Magazine the world’s most innovative farmer. Joel’s latest book – Fields of Farmers – deals with the... Continue reading
  1011 Hits
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AI: Agricultural Intelligence

  As the 6th Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW6) prepares to take its place in the agribusiness narrative of Africa, I offer some personal reflections on the significance of the event. Firstly, the implementation and evaluation plan laid out by FARA and its partners for the fourth pillar of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is perhaps one of the event’s... Continue reading
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Open Space - identifying concrete action for working with rural youth

During three days, all participants of the 26th International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth in Germany have the great opportunity to learn more about the OPEN SPACE methodology. By practicing we learn how to use it as an instrument to find solutions and develop concrete actions for our organizations. The main objective of our OPEN SPACE these days is: “How can... Continue reading
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How I learnt to Farm Locally through Local Solutions: Youth in Agriculture

Last week, I promised that I would write a follow-up article to the one I previously posted on “Practicing what we preach in Agriculture: Too Cool to Farm”. I had wanted to discuss the general challenges and opportunities in farming from my local perspective. However, I will not specifically dwell on the particulars of challenges and opportunities but will discuss them... Continue reading
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