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YPARD Pakistan fosters Youth Involvement in Agricultural Development during the Pakistan Agricultural Exhibition

A three-day “Pakistan Agricultural Exhibition” was held at Punjab’s second largest exhibition center set up at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad – Pakistan, from May 28-30, 2014. In this technological and innovative era, the event was designed as a launch pad for international and national organizations to penetrate in the highly expanding and lucrative Pakistani markets. More than 15,000 people visited... Continue reading
  688 Hits
688 Hits

Positive retrogression: Why small-holder farming is heading back to diversification?

It’s a common fact that family and small-holder farming contributes to food security, income generation, and employment for a majority of people in developing countries. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 2013 estimates that small-holders produce about 80% of food consumed in developing countries. The United Nations’ declaration making 2014 the year of as the family farming recognizes this fact. The potential in... Continue reading
  928 Hits
928 Hits