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Make our planet treed again! - Report on the Agroforestry2019 Congress

I (Monika Varga, YPARD Hungary country representative) had a chance to participate at the 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, organized in Montpellier, France, between May 20-22, 2019. This is a short report and an introduction to the main messages of the conference. In line with the slogan of the Congress (“Make our planet treed again!”), the dedicated aims were to spread... Continue reading
  879 Hits
879 Hits

YPARD Peru starts the second Ruralist Youth School

We are proud to announce our second Ruralist Youth School.  This is an initiative that YPARD Peru has been working on since 2016 when the first Ruralist Youth School took place. This event is confirmed by eleven sessions (four of them have already taken place). The major themes that have been studied so far are key points on agrarian rural development,... Continue reading
  1259 Hits
1259 Hits