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My Environment - My Responsibility!

The group of local women Shanti Ama Samuha had the commitment to maintain greenery in their surrounding environment within the program "Women Awareness Program on Climate Change and Solid Waste Management" organized by Tunza Eco Generation, a month ago in Bharatpur, Nepal. Due to the well accomplishment of the program, these women not only did they arouse local community’s awareness on... Continue reading
  1162 Hits
1162 Hits

Tatiana Reis, Professor in Agribusiness Management: "There are several opportunities for young people in the Agricultural sector in the areas of marketing and management"

Closing our "All in one Rhythm" series on YPARD´s blog, we aim to show the perspective of different actors in agriculture in Brazil. Here comes the interview with Tatiana Reis, a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the Brasilia University, Brazil. Tatiana Reis is a Professor in Agribusiness Management at the University of Brasilia. She has a Master in Agribusiness Management and... Continue reading
  1509 Hits
1509 Hits

Young Professionals across Nigeria gather to launch the CORY Workshop

The Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth (CORY) workshop was held in Nigeria at Songhai Farms, Rivers State from 14th to 15th July, 2014. It was a 2 day workshop aimed at informing participants of the overview of CORY project and opportunities available for rural youths 15-35 years in Farm and Non-farm enterprises in the next 3 years (2014 – 2017), understanding... Continue reading
  1166 Hits
1166 Hits

Rural youth in Brazil: An interconnected network of ideas

Within an initiative started from YPARD-Brazil, here comes the third blog post of "All in One Rhythm" series. As the World Cup’s title, this initiative aims to use the young and the agricultural sector to foster development in Brazil.  The first round of the 2014 World Cup finished last Friday, 27th of June, but we all go forward in one rhythm in order... Continue reading
  990 Hits
990 Hits

A rite of passage in working with Chinese Young Professionals

  I had the pleasure last week of attending the YPARD China Week organized at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the YPARD China hosting institution. Superbly organized by Bi Jieying, the YPARD China coordinator, this week was all about empowering Chinese young professionals (YPs) by giving them the necessary knowledge and skills to join the international community. Moving beyond... Continue reading
  1038 Hits
1038 Hits