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YPARD Armenia and YPARD Ukraine meet up highlights: business ideas for rural development

During my visit to Armenia, I met with Anna, YPARD representative for Armenia at her lovely venture, located some 40 km from Yerevan. Anna leads a socially responsible enterprise that produces dried fruits. She works closely with about 300 families in a region, from whom she buys raw material. Annas’ business has created 30 workplaces for villagers, especially women, while their husbands... Continue reading
  924 Hits
924 Hits

Welcoming the new YPARD Azerbaijan communications focal point Ramil Azmammadov

We are delighted to welcome the incoming YPARD Azerbaijan communications focal point Ramil Azmammadov.  Ramil studied a BA in Agriculture Management and MA in Management of Production Systems at Azerbaijan State Agriculture University. While he studied MA in Management of Production Systems, he received a scholarship from the Hungarian Republic and FAO to study a second master's degree in Hungary. In... Continue reading
  967 Hits
967 Hits