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A day in the life of a young apple farmer in Morocco

My name is Abdelali Ouhri and I recently graduated in Linguistics from the English Department at My Ismail University in Meknes, Morocco. I am also a young farmer and have been working with my father on our apple farm for years. Now that I have graduated from university, I have more time to help him on the farm - from flowering... Continue reading
  966 Hits
966 Hits

YPARD and Me: A Fairy Tale and a Timeline

Machteld Schoolenberg was the first YPARD Web4Knowledge intern in 2011. Since then, her involvement with YPARD activities has incredibly evolved. At the occasion of YPARD 10 years celebrations, Machteld's story is a powerful means to show why and how much YPARD's work is relevant to its community of young professionals in agricultural development. It’s ten years of YPARD, but for me,... Continue reading
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Success Lies In Execution: Scaling Up, From Research To Impact

I am very excited about this opportunity presented through YPARD to attend the Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3) in South Africa to catalyse discussions on how to help our generation become stronger leaders for our industry.  As an agricultural researcher I look forward to contribute to the theme Scaling up: From research to impact. My input will... Continue reading
  918 Hits
918 Hits

Adapting to Climate Change through Urban agriculture

Urban and peri-urban agriculture or UPA is key to household food security, especially in times of crisis or food shortages. Due to an increased demand for food, high birth rates and migration from rural to urban areas, UPA represents a spontaneous response to tackle today’s challenge to feed the rising population. Most of Iran’s territory is located in an arid and... Continue reading
  1044 Hits
1044 Hits