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Special slot for young web managers and online communicators in the #TOCS2014 Workshop !

“Online media is becoming increasingly important for any company, organisation or institute. If you don’t have an online presence, you don’t exist. Social media, websites, online data repositories, intranets, mobile technologies - all make our “online publishing” diverse and exciting. Today’s fast-paced online technology in an interactive and inter-connected world also means that “the work is never finished.” Peter Casier, the... Continue reading
  763 Hits
763 Hits

To be continued: YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discussion

Yesterday, 16th of June, the 2014 YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discussion was held in the west lobby of the National Agriculture Library in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. As the theme of this discussion was "YPARD China’s role in Fostering Chinese Young Professional in International Communication", the participants were mainly young elites and professionals, such as Codrin Paveliuc,... Continue reading
  831 Hits
831 Hits