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Building support system among rural farmers in Africa

African agricultural landscape is filled with lots of potential for increased output per square meter if mechanization plays its role. Under a set of more relaxed assumptions, estimates of potentially available uncultivated land in sub-Saharan Africa range from 52 percent to as high as 60 percent of the world's remaining arable land. A renewed focus on agriculture’s potential contribution to economic... Continue reading
  971 Hits
971 Hits

Restoring hope through the landscape and making restoration possible

NAIROBI — At a time when many people are compelled to move away from their home base for various pressing reasons, it’s comforting and even exciting to discover that it’s possible to restore the livelihoods of their communities and give them a compelling reason to return with pride to their homes. It’s so awesome to find out that the threats of... Continue reading
  876 Hits
876 Hits