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Iran’s Organic Agriculture Potential: An opportunity for the Middle East countries

Farmland area in Iran is 11-13 million ha in which most of it can be classified as traditional farming systems which smallholder farmers are involved in for subsistence agriculture. Since many farmers in their small farms and gardens never use agrochemicals and use sustainable approaches for crop production during land preparation, crop nutrition, soil fertility as well as pest, disease and... Continue reading
  1944 Hits
1944 Hits

The unseen investors – Why smallholder farmers are central to debates on agricultural investment

Travel report from the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2013by Martina Graf, Coordinator YPARD Europe Berlin, minus 12 Celsius degree outside, when I dive into the crowd of ministers, students, NGO representatives, groups of delegates, investors, ambassadors from governments and lobbyists. They come together in the frame of “Die Grüne Woche”, which is the world's biggest fair for food,... Continue reading
  1279 Hits
1279 Hits