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A brighter future: Youth engagement along agricultural value chains

Several stakeholders have called for engagements of youth within the sector. However, the prevalent challenges outweigh the number of stakeholders calling reaching out to the youth. Despite the recognition of the importance of engaging youth within the agricultural sector and development community, a cohesive and deliberate approach has to be defined to augment the efforts still being fragmented. To properly capture... Continue reading
  823 Hits
823 Hits

Building resilience among rural farmers in Nigeria

Sabi-Agrik Ltd and partners launched the first phase of a successful agribusiness partnership that supports rural women and farmer groups across Nigeria and Africa on a Farmer’s Voice Project. The Farmer’s Voice Project began in 2018 as a way of helping rural women groups, local communities and indigenous peoples’ institutions, among others to strengthen their technical and business capacities to fight... Continue reading
  899 Hits
899 Hits