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Talking about Women Farmers

Talking about Women Farmers

Land is a crucial resource for poverty reduction, food security and rural development. Yet in many places, women’s rights to land tenure are still not recognized or respected. Frequently, for example, husbands control land that legally belongs to their wives, or women are blocked from access to land they inherit from relatives.

In order to raise awareness on women's land rights and to celebrate International Women's Day, the World Farmers' Organization (WFO) Women’s Committee organized a Twitter Chat on the 12th of March.

The one hour Q&A Twitter chat started at 4pm Rome time and was shaped every ten minutes by the five following questions:

  1. Women produce the majority of food in developing countries, yet globally own less than 1/5 of land. Why?
  2. How to help the best stewards of the soil secure land tenure?
  3. What can you do to help women access their land?
  4. What support do women farmers need to ensure land rights and make a profitable living?
  5. How have you celebrated International Women’s Day?

The chat had as subject experts Kati Partanen, Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners in Finland (MTK); Sue Carlson, Facilitator and Chair of World Farmers Organisations' Women's Committee; the National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM); Debra Pretty-Straathof, board director of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA); Ayebare Prudence, from the Uganda National Farners Federation (UNFFE); and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA). 

YPARD was invited to take part in the chat and thus was represented by Enricka Julien and Moses Owiny, youth catalyst for the Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP). Besides, other YPARD members like Keron Bascombe, YPARD Trinidad and Tobago representative; Luke Smith; and Nestor Ngouambé, YPARD Cameroon representative got involved during the discussions.

Click here to check all the knowledge and information resources that were shared during the #WomenFarmers Twitter chat. We´re looking forward to know your opinion as well on how to improve women's access to land so comment below the post and keep contributing to this discussion!

Picture credit: ©FAO/Riccardo Gangale / FAO

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