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The tree metaphor: announcing YPARD’s Country Pages!

Tree - roots to leaves...

Imagine YPARD: a network of young professionals in agriculture as a tree. The more you strengthen its branches, the more leaves and buds will pop-up and grow. As a result: fruits.

The roots up to the branches are YPARD Country chapters; they are supporting a growing community of members: a pool of young people with different cultural backgrounds, aspirations and livelihoods. The members grow as leaves, buds and flowers.

The more members and representatives to take up leading efforts, the more networks of people do we build upon, to join a global community willing to play an active role in shaping agricultural development - for they are well aware about how critical this is for their present and future subsistence.

The purpose of it all is certainly to generate the fruits that will enable to feed and maintain the eco-system we need for our lives. We believe in the power of brainstormed, designed and implemented activities on national level to respond to the specific needs of these young people. These bulks grow their own fruitful initiatives, support their members and at their turn sustain and nurture the global community which aims at making sure that Young People are involved collectively in key global development processes that affect them as a whole.

The YPARD tree has built a steady ground over the past years. Now the challenge is to strengthen the roots, the branches and keep the buds growing and generate produces, while ensuring that the trunk has the power to keep this critical mass high and impactful. Yet, ensuring that the branches are robust enough to carry their part can only support this organic whole.

Giving YPARD Country chapters more visibility for their outstanding work and supporting them to build their own strategies, partnerships, activities and communications channels has been a key concern to boost our overall activities and one we can focus more on now that YPARD as a Global community has rooted a stronger position in the agricultural development arena.

We have now launched YPARD’s country pages on These are windows on what’s going on with and for the young professionals in agriculture in the different countries where YPARD has national representatives and teams! Go to our “who we are” page and jump onto the country page of your interest!

Jump into your country page

  1. You will find a short introduction about the YPARD Country Chapter
  2. Meet the country representative and YPARD members in your country (You need to be registered and logged-in)
  3. Read YPARD Country News, that’s to say: updates about those activities that happened with YPARD in your country
  4. Find more members’ blogposts, opportunities, events etc related to your specific country (on the right column)
  5. You are strongly welcome to become an active member or partner in your specific country of interest: contact the national representative and team, and get on board!

Country page

We currently have +60 active country chapters. If there is none in your country, find here some insights about how to get involved and let’s discuss about the first steps towards kick-starting a YPARD Chapter in your country!

YPARD is YOUR community, as young professionals in agriculture or supporter of the new generation for agricultural development; join us!

Photo credit: Brian Lary

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