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The YPARD Ghana working group’s planning session

YPARD Ghana seeks to accomplish its mission of creating a collective platform to enable young professionals in agriculture to realize their full potential and contribute towards innovative agricultural development. As part of efforts to accomplish this mission, the chapter has established its working group consisting thirteen (13) members comprising of the country representative, a programme coordinator, a communication focal person and ten (10) sub-country coordinators.

The setting up of the sub-country coordinators is to facilitate the decentralization of programmes and activities for greater impact. With the cooperation of the programmes coordinator and the communication focal person they are to mobilize youth in agriculture and agribusiness at the regional level with the needed leadership.

Since the formation of the working group in July, 2017 it has never had a face-to-face meeting. On Saturday 14th October, 2017 the group met in Accra to plan programmes and activities of YPARD Ghana. In attendance was the Country Representative, Programme Coordinator and the sub-country coordinators from the various regions of the country.

The group discussed the segregation of national membership data into regional levels, careers, and value chains for specific programmes and activities. The group also discussed the various elements and partnerships needed for Future Farmers Initiative (FFI) movement initiated by Participatory Development Association (PDA) Ghana and YPARD Ghana.

Photo credit: Kafui Kwasi Agbe

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