By Wang Huang on 2014年6月17日, 星期二
Category: Blog Post

To be continued: YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discussion

Yesterday, 16th of June, the 2014 YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discussion was held in the west lobby of the National Agriculture Library in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. As the theme of this discussion was "YPARD China’s role in Fostering Chinese Young Professional in International Communication", the participants were mainly young elites and professionals, such as Codrin Paveliuc, Chairman of YPARD Steering Committee, Seenu Reddy, former YPARD Asia Coordinator, as well as elites from universities and NGOs, scholars from institutions like Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, competent employees from banks and agribusiness companies, and journalists.

After some opening remarks from Bi Jieying, YPARD China Representative, the warm-up activities started. All the participants stood together and communicated with one another. Then members of the five groups were asked to cooperate to form the shape of “YPARD”.
Through the warm-up activities, everyone got an opportunity to know others and to gain a better understanding of teamwork. The activities laid a sound foundation for the following discussion.

"Challenging" brainstorm

Facilitated by Huang Jiaqi, YPARD China Secretary, the brainstorm aimed to identify the top four challenges Chinese young professionals have to face in international communication. Huang listed some challenges that she thought were important, and then invited other participants to add extra demanding tasks to her list. All the participants were so active that a lot of challenges were raised. Later, everyone was required to vote on the top four ones.
The result of the vote is as follows:                                                                                  
1) Lack of confidence/afraid to unknow (16 votes)                    
2) Limited resources and channels (13 votes)                  
3) Lack of funds and supports (12 votes)                            
4) Language barrier (10 votes)                                                                            
5) Cultural differences (8 votes)                                           
6) Education system problem (8 votes)                                
7) Not open-minded (7 votes)                                                      
8) Family factors (6 votes)                                                            
9) Time shortage (6 votes)                                                
10) Lack of awareness (5 votes)                                                        
11) Social pressure (4 votes)                                              
12) Lack of application skills (3 votes)                                                                    
13) Knowledge gap (3 votes)                                                
14) Lack of communication/cooperation skills (2 votes)                              
15) Cooperation mechanism (1 vote)

Round the Wheel Group Discussion: a succesful event

The group discussion was divided in two parts. First, discussion on solutions and responsible stakeholders to the identified top four challenges, namely lack of funds and supports, limited resources and channels, lack of funds and support and language barrier, and group summary. Second, discussion on YPARD China’s interventions to the solutions with related stakeholders and group summary. Every participant was fully engaged in the discussion and felt free to express his/ her opinions.
Many solutions and possible interventions of YPARD China were raised. One intervention frequently mentioned was that YPARD China should organize more activities like the Youth Elite Round Table Discussion in which more young professionals can get together, express their own ideas, share and learn from other people in different sectors.

Youth Platform for Communications

After heated discussion and group summary, everyone filled in the satisfaction questionnaire about this event. Based on the survey’s data analysis, Bi concluded that as the 2nd YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discussion, this year’s event was a great success. In her closing remarks, Bi spoke highly of all the participants’ passion for agriculture and their active participation, and said that YPARD China will continue to organize such activities to provide young professionals with a platform for communications and study! The story about YPARD China and young professionals interested in agriculture is to be continued.

Information about the discussion, please click here.                                                  Information about the satisfaction questionnaire data analysis, please click here.

Picture credit: YPARD China team. 

Data analysis credit: Samesh Adhikari, international student from Nepal.

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