By Stacy Hammond on 2017年3月08日, 星期三
Category: Blog Post

To Marina….From the YPARD family….With love

It is not on an everyday basis that you meet a game changer who puts all s/he has into the work s/he does. And to the YPARD network, Marina the former communications manager is one of these gamechangers.

When the moment to say, adios, goodbye, see you soon, talk to you later and all those words you say when someone is about to leave finally came, there was an outpouring of love and we thought, why not capture those moments, those memories and share them with her? So, we reached out to the YPARD Country chapters and asked them to share a message of less than 200 words along with a photo of their encounter with Marina if they had any.The compilation of those messages has resulted to this blogpost.

If her moving testimonial for the YPARD 10 Years celebrations did not move you, then we promise these messages will do. We have left them unedited and in the languages they were sent in…….

To you our dearest Marina Cherbonnier, This is not a farewell message.It is just the YPARD way of collectively expressing our appreciation to all your hard work and accomplishments in YPARD as the communications and knowledge manager. And even though you officially left the YPARD GCU, you will never stop being a part of the YPARD family.

Enjoy reading……..  aaaaaand someone pass Marina the tissue……

YPARD Africa 

When the name Marina is mentioned, three words come to mind: strong, kind, beautiful. You were and still are all this to us and more, you also taught us to be all these.

You knew you would have to leave us one day but you walked and worked with us as though that day would never come. You brought joy and hope to us when you gave yourself in friendship and helped bring out the best in us. Personally, one value I learned even more from you is to be committed to those whose happiness depends on me.

Now that YPARD Africa is left trying to come to terms with your departure from YPARD, we have decided not to let you leave a space where you belong. We are keeping you in our hearts forever- that is where you belong. Your good works and kindness will never be forgotten.

We are missing you already. We ask God for the very best for you as you step out into this big world that lies opened before you.

Now hear YPARD Africa with mixed feelings cheering you on, “Go, Marina! Go!” 

Go on. Shine on. Go and be the same strong, kind and beautiful Marina to the entire world. Continue being a heroine. And always remember: Marina remains in the heart of YPARD Africa.

by Kofi Kisiedu Acquaye

YPARD Spain 

 Estimada Marina,

We can only say gracias, gracias and more gracias for all the support you have given to see our YPARD Spain chapter established and now growing. We will always remember all your motivating emails, which made us want to be, day after day, better and move our chapter forward. You are such an inspiring but yet funny and approachable person, which made you the perfect communications officer at YPARD. YPARD owes you big, and we will never forget that; you will always belong to the YPARD family. Because of that, we wanted to write some words to express our feelings about you, and remember the good times we met throughout the world.

YPARD Spain will miss you dearly! We wish you the very best in your new adventures and future endeavors! Please keep us updated and let´s keep in touch. 

by Víctor & Mariola

YPARD Romania 

Dear Marina, even if you go away your morals, ethics and advices will always stay with me.

Without your help and never ending support, I don't know how I would have started the chapter of YPARD Romania. I will miss your cheerful and motivational quotes. Thank you for being such an inspirational person. I wish you all the best for your future and many blessings on your life's journey.

by Ramona

YPARD Hungary 

Dear Marina, We cannot thank you enough for your enthusiasm, help and encouragement that made YPARD alive. We are all sure, that although you have new ways in your life to follow, you will stay in the background. Therefore, it is not a real farewell message, just the expression of our thanks from YPARD Hungary for your guidance. We wish you to find and realize your dreams!

by Monika Varga


Dear Marina,

I will always remember you, the first time I sent a request about being representative for YPARD Iran you replied kindly and guide me through the entire process. Since then I regularly had conversions with you regarding blogging, our project etc. I am happy that I once met you in Johannesburg 2016.

I wish you the best and hope to meet you in Iran soon!

by Dr. Mohammadreza Davari

YPARD Cameroon 

Seems as though, live is unjust sometimes with us YPARDIANS. I still remember a couple of months back, when we said to Amelia Ochoa: « It’s just a GOODBYE, not a FAREWELL ». Now, we are to do the same for you, MARINA, our valiant Friend, Colleague, enthusiastic Instructor, incredible and open-minded CAPTAIN, you who had the right words to motivate, inspire, empower and encourage us, passionate #YouthinAg Advocates that we all are. Now, the time finally came, for you to open wide your welcoming wings, to allow your kids define their future by taking the commands now, of YPARD.

YPARD-Cameroon, came to life in 2014 and has been carrying out activities, although with limited funding. Thanks to your concern and advises we had always brought out the very best of it, no matter where we were called upon to intervene. We wish you all the best in all your future undertakings, professionally and personally, maintaining those countless attributes you have, that makes you what
you are. Marina CHERBONNIER, two names that shall be hard to forget, but exponentially easy to retain and remember, because, behind the logo of YPARD, they are engraved, in back-Office.

by Nestor Ngouambe and Bappa Ghislain

YPARD Democratic Republic of Congo

Chère Marina,

S’il est difficile dans la nature humaine, c’est d’accepter la séparation. Rien n’est si douloureux de voir une personne qui te porte de partir au sitôt quand l’amour nait et grandit. Tel est ton cas Marina, pour YPARD RDC, lequel, tu as pris soin d’accompagner dans sa naissance, sa constitution, son organisation et sa structuration. Aujourd’hui, YPARD RDC est si fier de t’avoir connue et, d’avoir pu permettre à ce jeune chapitre de bénéficier durablement de toi  et, cela de manière indélébile, une reconnaissance qui reste et restera au sein de YPARD Global. D’une part, une fierté qui nous anime que derrière toi, tu as non seulement porter YPARD RDC, mais aussi, tu as su laisser une succession après toi.  D’autre part, il est aussi rare de voir, une jeune comme toi, être un cerceau d’une si grande organisation informelle qui brille et dont les étincelles éclairent les jeunes professionnels. Tu laisses derrière toi, une équipe engagée, dynamique, forte et qui ne cessera jamais de respirer ton nom dans ses annales. YPARD RDC te dis « merci » et plein succès pour le reste de ton parcours.

Chère Marina, saches le, tu nous a appris à monter sur le palmier pour tirer du vin de palme et nourrir le Congo à travers ce jus succulent qu’est « YPARD ». Brille de mille feux partout où tu iras.

by Aimé Kazika Kamosi


Dear Marina, thank you so much for your energy, enthusiasm, sympathy and professionalism during these years. I really enjoyed being a member of YPARD while you were on board! Actually, you will continue to be a strong presence among us! Today I wish you a brighter future and career, full of happiness and success! 

Grazie mille per tutto!

by Virginia Cravero

YPARD Russia

Hey Marina,

Thank you for being and for making the best for your work! I wish you great success in your future career and life. Stay tuned, be crazy and never give up!

by Iana Perevoshchikova

YPARD Philippines

The time and efforts you invested in YPARD will go a long way, where a lot of YPs will still reap the benefits from it in the future. For the short 2 years of interacting with the Global Unit, you have been of great help in getting YPARD Philippines to where it is. It was such a pleasure to have met you last year at GCARD3 (at least before you "left"). Anyway, there are no such things as goodbyes, only "till we meet again". Wishing you the best in the next chapter of your life!

by Jim Leandro P. Cano

YPARD Europe

It is easy to sense the spirit and inspiration that Marina has generated everywhere in YPARD. I strongly feel the fire you ignited in the communication team, which encourages me and the team to keep giving our best. As you said, “keep it up”, we will definitely carry it on in all activities of YPARD Europe. We wish you a wonderful journey ahead. And you, our dear Marina, will be remembered forever in our hearts.

by Hana Khanh


When Marina’s name comes to my mind, I used to remember GCARD2. The global conference, itself, was not only to invite young professionals (YPs) together, but also to bring some opportunities from YPARD for new faces where the social media induction training was a cause.

I can truly imagine that she has been putting a very significant contribution to bring the YPARD at this level. She also holds the major role for expansion of country-wise chapters and bringing those country pages on YPARD website.

It is very hard time to say bye-bye, but we will try to keep our work continue with same momentum. Good luck Marina, a power ball girl, for your future endeavors.

Our dearest Marina we are sad to see you go but we rest assured in her words "I have not left the YPARD network. I have only left the YPARD Global Coordination Unit"

by Dinesh Panday

YPARD Netherlands

Dear Marina,

Right from the first Skype chat we had 6 years ago when I became an intern at YPARD you made me feel part of the YPARD family. The way you always emphasize the strengh of YPARD as a community carried by the shoulders of many youth is an indication of who you are: a strong but caring, humble leader. You have the talent of drawing out strenght and involvement in the people around you, and always have time for a chat, to inspire, praise and support them. You represented YPARD as an organisation that I believe in and want to keep being a part of: the atmosphere you set is one of informality, without hierarchy, but with attention for sharing knowledge and experiences needed to keep improving and reflecting on ourselves, as youth and as an organisation. I am sure you still have a never ending list of ideas and ambitions lying around somewhere, but this is the time to sit down and enjoy with pride of all that you have accomplished (webinar series as a last bang!) before you leave things to be continued by all of us that were trained, activated and motivated by you.
And after a good chill and long French countryside holiday with your family, I am sure you will find an exciting new adventure that keeps you rockin' 'n rollin'! You will be truly missed in your role as YPARD colleague and remain my good friend.
Machteld Schoolenberg

YPARD Nigeria

"Marina, you definitely were more than a communication manager to us. We always had confidence in you wearing different caps like sister, mother, editor, constructive critic, logistic coordinator etc when the need arises, You were a typical example of what every Ypardian should be like. We truly enjoyed working with you and definitely  wish you the very best in your future endeavors"

by Olawale Ojo

YPARD Burundi

"Chère Marina, au nom de l'équipe YPARD-Burundi nous vous disons ASANTE SANA= Thank you Marina"

by Guy Fleury Giramahoro


Ce fut un grand plaisir d'avoir travaillé avec toi. Tu as fait du bon boulot durant ton passage à YPARD. Toujours disponible pour aider, apporter sa contribution dans toutes les situations où j'ai besoin de toi pour me conseiller afin de faire avancer les choses au Togo, tu as été toujours présente. Toute l'equipe de YPARD Togo vous souhaite au revoir et regrete votre départ de YPARD.

Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer. Tu es formidable. Donne-nous de tes nouvelles de temps en temps. Je te souhaite également une vie pleine de prospérité et de joies.

Bonne chance pour la suite!

by Germaine Gbete

YPARD Mentoring Coordinator

I think you may remember my first a-ha moment, when I came to you with tears in my eyes during the Forests Asia youth session feeling so energised and excited to work with young people. You looked at me, with a glint in your eye, knowing the magic and power of this feeling, as you had felt it many times before in your work with YPARD. That spark turned into a full fire, as we sat together in a quaint little hostel in Cuzco and I interviewed for the mentoring coordinator position with YPARD GCU. Every time I am in a room of YPARD members, when I see and feel their energy, I can't help but think of you Marina and how lucky and deeply grateful I am to you for helping turn that spark into a fire in me, and encouraging me to get more deeply involved in the YPARD community. Thank you for you selflessness, your service and your commitment to community - you have made me a better leader, a better follower and, most importantly, a better person.

Enjoy your wonderful and well deserved adventures!

Michelle Kovacevic

More messages from the YPARD members can be found on the YPARD Facebook group as well as the YPARD Facebook page.

Picture credits: Picture 1, top left: Iana Perevoshchikova, top center: Ivana  Radic, top right: YPARD, bottom left: Dinesh Panday, bottom right: Jim Leandro P. Cano.

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