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Unleashing your social media powers for Agriculture!

three bees on a sunflowerAre you a social media lover? Have you ever considered the power of Social Media for contributing to Agricultural Development?

Social Media reporting of key events in the field of agriculture has been expanding in the last few years as a mean to get “the people” better informed and more involved into policy and strategic discussions that impact their life.

At YPARD, we particularly work on soliciting Young Professionals to join these initiatives as a way for the youth to get fully involved in debates that would shape their present and future. Get relevant knowledge, express your own thoughts and ideas, and ultimately get more voice into discussions where youth’s issues should have complete attention for ensuring a sustainable future!

Each time an event was covered online, a Social Media Team (SMT) was created. The social media outreach from one event can benefit the next ones.

Here below are some Online Social Media Teams involved in agricultural-related development which are looking for onsite and online volunteers. Feel free to join! Many of these groups have very active discussions - participate and stay in touch!

Up-coming events - Join  the SMT and put the dates on your calendar!

Join the social media team for the World Congress on Agroforestry (WCA2014)
ICRAF/ICAR/NRCAF are organizing the WCA2014 in Delhi Feb 10-14. They are now starting the social media outreach, and are assembling the virtual and onsite social media team. Learn more on their call. Send an email to Peter: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 to join the group. For this conference, they will also give a 2day social media training. Follow #WCA2014.

Join the social media team for the Forests Asia conference
CIFOR is organizing the Forests Asia conference in May, in Jakarta. They are in the stage of designing the conference and its social media outreach. YPARD is notably working with them on having some very nice “Youth” involvement; so, stay tuned! Send an email to Peter: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 to join the group. The conference will feature a free 3day social media training (2 days before the conference, and 1 day of evaluation after the conference). Follow #ForestsAsia.

Join the long-lasting Social Media Teams!

YPARD Social Media Team
If you are young and/or particularly interested in supporting the cause of young professionals in the agricultural related sector, this is a team for you! Our army of young professionals works on bringing to the forefront youth issues and opportunities, and to get the youth involved in key strategic discussions. Because youth is particularly ICT savvy and enthusiast, YPARD community has played a crucial role in many social media outreach projects. Send an email to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 to join, with subject line: “YPARD-SMT – add me”. Become YPARD member as well, and join YPARD Facebook group too.

SM4NP - Social Media 4 Nonprofit
If you are working for an organization, and want to expand your social media reach, join SM4NP (Social Media 4 Nonprofit) group, which assembles social media coordinators from larger non-profit organizations, as well as volunteers. The group is used to mutually support each other in our social media campaigns and events. Read the background and kickoff post. Send an email to Peter: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 to join the group.

CGIAR Social Media Support team
If you would like to support CGIAR's social media outreach then join the CGIAR Social Media Support team. The purpose of this group is to gather people willing to help spread messages from CGIAR centers and research programs via their own social media channels. It is also the group where all CGIAR social media coordinators "hang out". Send an email to Peter: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 saying you want to join the CGIAR-SMT.

You don’t have to be a social media expert to join these groups! We are all learning from each other all along the way, while ICTs are in a constant and swift change! Enthusiasm is key for playing an exciting and impactful role within these teams. Fun and Hard Work guaranteed!

Do you know any other SMT we should join and work with for wider impact for agricultural development in a sustainable manner? Please register, login and comment below.

Picture credit: 'Andreas Krappweis'; three bees on sunflower

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