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Webinar Alert! Is a picture worth a thousand words?

A picture; thousand words?"What's easier than uploading a picture online", you say?

And indeed, we *all* think we rock at it...but let's be honest: we don't...
Do you have an eye for quality pictures? Do you know how to resize them without distorting them? Do you know that there are a number of rules and rights around pictures that you should not deny... 

Join the upcoming GFAR's webinar on June 22nd at 13:00 CET (and will last about 1.5 hours).

The topic will be “Pictures: a website’s blessing or curse?”, a practical webinar, showing how to find, and process pictures which are a blessing, rather than a curse, for your website or blog.

Presented by Peter Casier - online media consultant -:

Part 1: How to find appropriate pictures for your blog/website (or web content). 

This means pictures which are:

  • appropriate in topic
  • good quality
  • and most importantly, are not copyrighted

Part 2: How to process pictures before uploading them

Here I want to share some of the inside workings of a web browser, when viewing pictures, and explain, why sooooo many blogs and websites are slow, just because of the pictures they use.

I’d like to show the one and only (free) tool I use, to process (edit, enhance, crop, shrink and compress) pictures before uploading them, while maintaining an excellent quality. (hint: and it ain’t Photoshop!).

Register now!

This webinar will be done via a tool called “Webinars on Air” which is supported by Google Hangouts. It requires participants to have a good and reliable Internet connection and a computer running any browser.

You can register for these webinars by filling in your name and email address via this link:

You will be automatically reminded as the webinar date comes closer.

About the GFAR webinars

These webinars are open to GFAR and CGIAR partners as well as other nonprofit organisations. No matter if you are a researcher, an agricultural practitioner, a student, a communications officer, a policy maker or any variant thereof.

We do not ask for a participation fee, but we’d appreciate it if each participant would actively engage in the webinars.

The webinar is funded by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and supported by YPARD. It will be facilitated by Peter Casier, the GFAR Social Media Coordinator. Peter is a full-time online media consultant who has worked with many scientific/research organisations.

See the original announcement on the GFAR's Blog. 

Picture courtesy Wikipedia Commons

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