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Welcoming YPARD Network Engagement Coordinator: Glindys Virginia Luciano

GlindysYPARD is delighted to welcome Glindys Virginia Luciano as the Network Engagement Coordinator.

Glindys Virginia is currently in her last semester of her master’s degree in Agrifood Systems and Rural Development at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic, and a bachelor’s degree from Connecticut College in New London, Connecticut. 

Glindys Virginia has worked in various non-profit organizations in the United States and in Europe. Her involvement in food systems began at a young age. While doing her bachelor’s in Anthropology focused on food and sustainability, she was involved in many food initiatives including the Sustainable Food Market, in which she held the position of head coordinator for a year, additionally, she held the position of Sustainability Fellow focused on food systems. She was also a volunteer in the GROWNYC food scraps program to help reduce food waste. Currently, she is a graduate student where she is part of the APB research team at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague where she focuses on meat quality of game species, alternative protein sources and sensory evaluation.  Additionally, she is involved in the Euroleague of Life Sciences as an ELSA, where she helps to promote research in the life sciences and the support for young scientists in Europe.

At the account of joining YPARD as a Network Engagement Coordinator, this is what Glindys Virginia had to say:
“I am beyond excited to join a community of young people that are motivated to change and shift our food systems. We need change and so I am very much looking forward to engaging deeply with the YPARD community and provide support where it is needed.”

Welcome on board Glindys Virginia Luciano! 


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2024年9月23日, 星期一

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