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Welcoming YPARD representative for Serbia - Ivana Radic!

YPARD welcomes Ivana Radic, YPARD Country Representative for Serbia.

Ivana Radic fell into the field of agriculture at her first age : her mother was the manager of a big and successful agricultural cooperative, and later her father started running a pig and cattle farm. She entered the Faculty of Agriculture although this was not the path expected by people she knew for a succesful student like her, with highest grades in high school. “I was always proud to be involved in the sector that is primary from all the aspects. I would always tell “We all have to eat”. “ says Ivana.

Ivana studied Fruit science and viticulture at the Faculty of agriculture of University of Belgrade. It entailed practical training on the field, that Ivana very much enjoyed. She also passed an Erasmus Mundus International Master in Horticultural Sciences, jointly offered by University of Bologna, Technical University Munich, and University of Life Sciences Vienna - an “academically, professionally and culturally life-changing experience”, she says. Her thesis was on agrifood marketing, with a topic dealing with geographical indications. Ivana currently intends to start a PhD program.

Ivana is a very open minded person with lots of extracurricular activities : she did some volunteering in organic farms in Iceland and Central Italy through European Voluntary Service; she attended summer school Youth encounter on sustainability; she is member of Slow food in Serbia, and more!

Learn about her story on the YPARD Young Professionals' Showcase: "Agriculture; my vocation".

“Recently I became a YPARD member, because I believe in the philosophy that it is promoting. Now I am proud to become a representative of my country, and I will try to serve well at this position with all my heart.”

Welcome, Ivana! We trust you will hold YPARD Flag high in Serbia and you will be able to gather the youth for effective actions for youth in agriculture's empowerment, thanks to your passion and energy!

If you are from Serbia or work in this country, and want to get involved in YPARD Serbia activities, please contact Ivana at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

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