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Welcoming YPARD representative for Uzbekistan - Sitora Khabibova!

Sitora, YPARD Uzbekistan rep.YPARD welcomes YPARD representative for Uzbekistan: Sitora Khabibova!

Sitora Khabibova is a graduate of the Russian academy of Economics named after G.V.Plekhanov in Tashkent. She studied Business and Business administration with a major in Finance and credit, from 2004 to 2008.

After University she was employed by a consulting company and the Asian Development Bank for different projects and as interpreter. In 2011 she was involved in the project “Financial strategy for forestry sector” as specialist on financial strategy and program development. Along with financing framework development she also contributed to the organization of workshops and seminars.

These seminars were in relation with financing by Donor organizations of forestry activities, financial strategy for financing forestry sector and innovative mechanisms of financing environmental activities.

Also, she participated to a number of trainings on Climate Change, Natural resources management in Central Asia, on Capacity Building and skills development.

Sitora has a particular interest in education and e-learning. She was enrolled in an “Educational entrepreneurship program” by Indian global edupreneur Forum. During this course, she delivered researches and developed a business plan on “E-HR center”. This mainly focused on capacity building and skills development. The business plan she presented was awarded with a Certificate of Entrepreneur. 

“YPARD is a platform which connects youth and nations” Sitora says; “I wish to make contribution in connecting youth to bring more innovative ideas on entrepreneurship in agriculture, developing entrepreneurship skills and competence by attending online courses and participating at MOOC programs, generate ideas and programs on digital future for youth in agriculture by applying innovative technologies and tools for capacity building. “

Welcome, Sitora; you bring to YPARD team a new set of skills that should broaden opportunities offered by YPARD, at different levels.

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