By Stacy Hammond on 2018年4月26日, 星期四
Category: Blog Post

Welcoming YPARD Serbia country representative: Julijana El Omari

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD Serbia country representative Julijana El Omari.

Julijana is a graduate from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia with a Bachelor's degree in journalism. In her last investigative journalism exam, in, she made a television video story about the complaints written by farmers after they have been turned down for governments agricultural subsidies making her video story the highest rated in her class. After graduation, she continued making stories about farmers in Serbia, their problems and contribution in agriculture through various media. In October 2015 she took part in the project “Developing/Creating Conservation Strategies for the Eurasian Otter in (Northern) Serbia” as the author of the video about research on otters in Serbia. Additionally, during her work in local TV, she authored a video on land pollution within the confines of the project "Eco-paths in Sumadija". She worked, also, for magazines “Nova ekonomija“ and "Biznis and Finansije" where she wrote about obstacles Serbian farmers face in a agriculture, especially when it comes to young farmers. Currently, she works as an agricultural journalist for two web portals about agriculture “Agroklub” and “Agromedia”, as one of the most rated authors.

Since agriculture is one of the most important branches of the Serbian economy and the number of young farmers in Serbia is increasing, she created a blog “”, where she writes about problems of young farmers, agricultural foundations and subsidies, positive stories about young people in farming, ecologically safe production, entrepreneurship as well articles on finding markets where farmers can sell their products or firm which they can cooperate with.

“Working as an agricultural journalist, I found some very interesting things; young farmers were more careful and more productive in their farming than elders. They are more committed to making their products and environment safe ensuring where they are growing plants is ecologically clean. Also, when young farmers are starting their own production, first they start with small outputs, but with all necessary equipment for reducing the risk of flooding, drought, and frost. Why? I think it’s because they want to make agricultural production sure as well as their future working place, and are not focused only on making easy money for a short while”, said Julijana.

On being asked why she decided to join YPARD as country representative, Julijana says she realizes that now she can help more Serbian young farmers and not just Serbia, but young farmers worldwide. She says;

“On discovering the impact of YPARD on young farmers, I am very happy and honored to be part of this global platform where agriculture is being promoted among young people, helping them with projects, mentoring and providing them with useful tips. I’m more and more sure that with this responsible position in the movement, I will be able to help young farmers in Serbia in not only making their farming sustainable but also contributing to the YPARD purpose”.

Because "source of every solution is good information" like she wrote in her YPARD blog post, she is hoping that with interviews, research and investigations young people will realize ‘that agriculture is in their roots, giving yield by its development’. We couldn’t agree more!

We also take this opportunity to thank the outgoing YPARD Serbia representative Ivana Radic Jean for her commitment, dedication and invaluable contribution to YPARD and look forward to our continued interaction in future.

Welcome on board Julijana El Omari! We can’t wait to hear more from the Youth-in-Agriculture in Serbia and we trust that YPARD Serbia will continue to be successful in mobilizing the youth through your leadership.

If you are from or based in Serbia, and want to get involved in YPARD Serbia activities, please contact Julijana at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.

Picture credit: Julijana El Omari

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