By Emmie Kio on 2015年10月30日, 星期五
Category: Blog Post

Welcoming YPARD Uganda Country Representative:Sylvia Natukunda Mwesigwa

We are delighted to welcome the YPARD Country representative for Uganda, Sylvia Natukunda Mwesigwa.

Sylvia has over 10 years of experience working as an agribusiness consultant for several projects and organisations. Key among these include her previous position as the National Agribusiness Consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). Her expertise stems from the training she received from EARTH University for her Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management and later on the Masters Degree in Agribusiness Management of Makerere University.

Its with excitment and great energy that Sylvia takes on the task of being the YPARD representative in Uganda. She hopes to  influence several young women and men to practice farming as a business. Uganda’s economy heavily depends on agriculture and as such tangible growth can only be attained if attention is given to this sector allowing inclusion of smallholder farmers and youth.

Currently, Sylvia is  part of the coordination team of the AgriProFocus Uganda Network where she executes business and partnership development activities. For her work at AgriProFocus, she was sourced from her own consulting firm, Farm Reap Ltd ,where she serves in the capacity of a CEO. Farm Reap is also engaged in food processing, where we process and distribute yoghurt in several supermarkets in and around Kampala.

Sylvia has this to say on the account of joining YPARD:

"I love networking, finding practical solutions to challenges facing farmers and I am passionate about agribusiness. At YPARD, I will focus on consolidating the work of my predecessor and grow the YPARD Uganda community through active social media engagement, face to face events and linking YPARD to other networks. I will endeavor to have a support team in place to enable effective management and fundraising so that we are able to reach as many youths as possible focusing on sharing and improving their skills in business development."

We are looking forward to hearing more on Youth- in - Agriculture activities from Uganda under the leadership of Sylvia.

We also take this opportunity to thank Anke Weisheit  whose term has come to an end for her leadership of the YPARD Uganda . Anke, we wish you the very best in your future endeavours.

If you are from or based in the Uganda, and want to get involved in YPARD Uganda activities, please contact Sylvia at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

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