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Welcoming YPARD web and communications officer: Pius Hiwe

We are delighted to welcome the YPARD Web and Communications Officer, Pius Hiwe

Pius graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta and he is currently studying International Development and Agricultural Economics at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

He is a development economist with agricultural research experience and professional proficiency in providing technical support to UK DfID and World Bank funded projects – through intervention Implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation – for social and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Among his passions include; climate smart agriculture, agribusiness development for the youth, market systems development for smallholder farmers, women economic empowerment for rural enterprise development, cultural engagements for initiating agricultural innovations and has a knack for making freshly squeezed orange juice.

He considers the new role of YPARD Web and Communications officer as a platform to contribute his voice to the ongoing conversation and further engage young minds brewing new ideas to push the frontiers of agriculture to a new level. He looks forward to gleaning insights from the myriad cross cultural experiences the YPARD community has to offer.  

His main focus will be the use of the YPARD platform to promote youth involvement in agriculture and stimulate fresh thinking and innovation in the field.

We also take this opportunity to thank Stacy Hammond  the outgoing YPARD Web and Communications officer and look forward to our continued interaction with her as the YPARD Europe communications lead.

Welcome on board Pius!




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