By DNK on 2012年2月14日, 星期二
Category: Blog Post

Workshop on “Application of Indigenous knowledge for a sustainable agriculture” in Sri Lanka, 17th of January, 2012, Ruhuna

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,

the YPARD center of Sri Lanka is organizing a workshop on 17th of January, 2012 on “Application of Indigenous knowledge for a sustainable agriculture”  from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm at the Agricultural Economics Auditorium.

Local experts of the subject have been invited as resource persons. The workshop has been designed for young Agricultural Inspectors (AIs) and Agriculture Research and Production Assistants (ARPAs) who are working at the ground level together with farmers.

The workshop aims to give awareness on the practices in indigenous knowledge in traditional Sri Lankan agriculture and to educate the young professionals about the scientific background and the importance of those practices. There by we can motivate them to popularize such practices for a healthy sustainable agriculture.

Hence, we are happy to announce you that this is not just a lecture but an interactive brain storm for young agriculture professionals where they can share their experiences as well as sharpen knowledge on traditional indigenous techniques of our ancestors for a sustainable and environmentally benign agriculture.

Dilanthi Koralagama

Country coordinator

YPARD Sri Lanka

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