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Youth-in-Ag Selfie Twitter Contest – 2015 World Water Day

#youthinagselfie contestEach year, UN-Water supports the World Water Day campaign by highlighting a specific aspect of freshwater. Under the theme ‘Water and Sustainable Development’, the year 2015 provides an important opportunity to consolidate and build upon the previous World Water Days to underline water's role in the sustainable development agenda.

Water – Key to Food Security

The link between water and food is a simple one. Crops and livestock need water to grow. While feeding the world and producing a diverse range of non-food crops such as cotton, rubber and industrial oils in an increasingly productive way, agriculture also confirmed its position as the biggest user of water on the globe - Agriculture accounts for 70% of all water withdrawn by the agricultural, municipal and industrial (including energy) sectors.

Think, Snap & Tweet!

In preparation for the World Water Day 2015, YPARD launches the #youthinagselfie contest to engage the youth in this key event. By answering the question “How does water contribute to food security?” participants will have the chance to show their views as well as to contribute to bring more light into the unprecedented challenge of how feeding a population of possibly 9 or more billion people.

In order to participate, all you have to do is to follow the steps below:

  • Think about an answer to the question: “How does water contribute to food security?”
  • Write it down on a paper/tablet. Add the link of an article/video, etc. where you got the inspiration/ information from. You can use an URL shortener in order to make fit the link of your source onto your tweet like: or Google URL shortener;
  • Snap a selfie of yourself holding your paper/tablet with your smartphone/camera;
  • Share it through your Twitter account with the hashtags #WorldWaterDay, #WATERIS and #youthinagselfie, the link to your source of inspiration, followed by the handler @YPARD and @UN_Water by the 15th of March, 2015.

#youthinagselfie Album

All selfies from each tweet will be collected and put into our #youthinagselfie Facebook Album, which will be published and viewable since the 17th of March, 2015 on YPARD Facebook page. The selfie album will be also published on YPARD website.

Participate in the #youthinagselfie Twitter contest by posting, favoriting, replying and retweeting the most original ‘selfie-tweets’ and contribute to cultivate the next generation of agricultural leaders!

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