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YPARD China's cooperation with Oxfam and Lsm Rural Reconstruction Center of RUC

YPARD China's cooperation meeting with Oxfam and Lsm Rural Reconstruction Center (RRC) of RUC was held in CAAS on June 25th, 2012. YPARD China Representative, Secretary and Communication and web officers, Oxfam Program Oficer and Managers from Lsm Rural Reconstruction Center (RRC) of RUC participated.
After nearly 4 hours discussion, agreements on the following points were made for future cooperation:
  1. For the annual YPARD China Conference, YPARD and Oxfam can work together to invite the members participating and displaying their research experience and outputs.
  2. RRC can help promote awareness and outputs of YPARD at local level.
  3. YPARD China can help RRC contact experts and conduct student training for them.
  4. RRC can give their own research experience and achievements to YPARD China to help them promote the Chinese Localization Case to YPARD global.
  5. As the issue of climate change and food security, the Oxfam and YPARD (include CAAS) can search for further cooperation
We believe that the cooperation meeting is a good beginning, hope that we could make a difference, and also hope that more and more people and organizations could cooperate with YPARD China.
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