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YPARD India is looking for your participation in its Working Group!

Hello "YPs" in AR4D in India,

File:3D Full Spectrum Unity Holding Hands Concept - lumaxartYou may be aware that during National workshop on 'Foresight and Future Pathways of Agricultural Research Through Youth in India' (FFPARTY) held on March1-2, 2013 at New Delhi, YPARD-India was re-introduced!

YPARD-India is an initiave by and for Young  Agri-Professionals. It aims at better networking, strengthening linkages and knowledge sharing between different Agri. Professionals including stuheads to developing a national action plan to sustain Young Professionals in the agricultural sector.

The YPARD-India is also looking forward to work with national and international, public and private sector organizations and CGOs which actively involve ‘Youth’ in  Agricultural  Development.

For this purpose, YPARD-India is planning to constitute a ‘Working Group’ comprising various stakeholders with a basic aim at enhancing YPARD activities and involvement with different stakeholders and at different fora.

Currently, YPARD-India has 597 registered members, one of the largest group in the YPARD global network. Interestingly, YPARD-Asia Coordinating Unit is hosted by VIT University, Vellore.

Therefore active YPARD-India members willing to contribute significantly for Agricultural Development are encouraged to apply for the “YPARD-India Working Group” .

The applicant should be active member of YPARD-India and below 40 years of age. S/he should have a genuine understanding of YPARD mission and objectives. Interested members, please write to us at 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 not later than July 20, 2013  with your CV (along with date of birth) and a motivation letter that expresses your interest and what your insight are for youth in ARD's empowerment in India.

We are egarer to hear from you!

Make sure you are registered on and join us on Facebook!


Picture credit: "File:3D Full Spectrum Unity Holding Hands Concept" - by lumaxart - - Linkware Freebie Image to be used for free under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license but with credit link.

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