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YPARD Youth-in-Ag-Selfie Album - 2015 World Water Day is out

Youth-in-Ag Selfie AlbumIn preparation for the World Water Day 2015, YPARD launched on the 17th of February, 2015 the Youth-in-Ag Selfie Twitter Contest – 2015 World Water Day to engage the youth in this key event. 

By answering the question “How does water contribute to food security?” participants had the chance to show their views as well as to contribute to bring more light into the unprecedented challenge of how feeding a population of possibly 9 or more billion people without depleting our environment. 

Find below our most retweeted and favorited selfie-tweets:

#youthinagselfie tweets for the #WorldWaterDay
Check out all the original selfie-messages young professionals from all over the world tweeted from the 17th of February until the 15th of March on our Youth-in-Ag Selfie Album available on our e-library and Facebook page!


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