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Article - Youth can boost farm economy


On October 23, the Star Online published an article by Claudine Renaud called 'Youth can boost Farm Economy'.

In her article, Renaud states that the younger generation can be stimulated into taking on agricultural jobs, and underpins this with examples and numbers from sub-Saharan Africa.

Renaud starts her article as follows:

"Young people could be the key to boosting African agriculture, but they need inducements to stay in the countryside, participants told an International Labour Organisation (ILO) meeting recently. (...)


On October 23, the Star Online published an article by Claudine Renaud called 'Youth can boost Farm Economy'.

In her article, Renaud states that the younger generation can be stimulated into taking on agricultural jobs, and underpins this with examples and numbers from sub-Saharan Africa.

Renaud starts her article as follows:

"Young people could be the key to boosting African agriculture, but they need inducements to stay in the countryside, participants told an International Labour Organisation (ILO) meeting recently. (...)

Fully two-thirds of the population of sub-Saharan Africa live and work in rural areas, and “rural employment will remain as an enduring feature of many African economies at least over the next two decades,” according to an ILO working paper."

Interested? Read the whole article here.
