The English Editor of Spore, the magazine on rural development in African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries ( ) is planning to run a feature on remote sensing in an upcoming issue.
The English Editor of Spore, the magazine on rural development in African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries ( ) is planning to run a feature on remote sensing in an upcoming issue.
She is looking for good examples of remote sensing being used to help farmers and rural communities in developing countries. As well as the bigger schemes, eg satellite monitoring for crop forecasting, she is particularly interested in finding out about smaller initiatives that can actually help people in the field. she would be very grateful for any suggestions. Also, anyone good to interview to talk about the advantages and pitfalls.
Young Professionals in remote sensing, that is a great opportunity to show your expertise and spread the word about your activities!
Please, send an email to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。, if interested, for any further information and for submitting articles.