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College and industry support generates new scholarship to enhance student learning


Over 35 participants aged 12-21 took part in an Olds College venue sponsored Agriculture: Is a Bright Idea Conference in June. This event was hosted by the Agriculture Youth Engagement Foundation and featured an impressive full-day interactive seminar and lineup of keynote speakers. “It’s unique in that the conference is designed by youth for youth to help their careers go forward” explains Ellen Hondl, Chair of the Foundation. An upwards of 70 observers were present including over 20 sponsors and other long-standing College supporters and industry leaders.



Over 35 participants aged 12-21 took part in an Olds College venue sponsored Agriculture: Is a Bright Idea Conference in June. This event was hosted by the Agriculture Youth Engagement Foundation and featured an impressive full-day interactive seminar and lineup of keynote speakers. “It’s unique in that the conference is designed by youth for youth to help their careers go forward” explains Ellen Hondl, Chair of the Foundation. An upwards of 70 observers were present including over 20 sponsors and other long-standing College supporters and industry leaders.

Of these supporters, Alta Genetics and Windrush Hills Salers Ltd. generously donated two bulls worth of semen (50) doses, valued at a total of $5000 through a foundation scholarship donation to encourage youth involvement in the agriculture industry.

“Special thanks to Alta Genetics and Windrush Hills Salers Ltd. for helping develop a unique scholarship that will allow young producers to receive cattle genetics to start their own herds” Rob Eirich, Olds College Instructor and Foundation Board Director acknowledged. “This semen will provide seed stock for young producers’ developing herds, encouraging them to get into breeding.” The doses will last up to three years. Each participant received 1-2 doses which equates to a $250-$300 valued individual scholarship.

Participants explored the future of marketing, genomics, production and distribution with an emphasis on engaging the next-generation career in agriculture. It linked all components of the cost-supply chain including data reporting and cutting edge concepts about how industry works. “The conference was extremely successful and we were amazed by the enthusiasm by all the participants and knowledge shared among and between the youth attendees and with the speakers” explains Joanne Solverson, Conference Director and Coordinator. “I was very pleased with the young students participating”, Eirich emphasized adding “They listened, came up with great ideas, used the concepts that were being taught and hit on the key points of the consumer market.

The Agricultural Youth Engagement Foundation was created to engage and support youth in the agriculture industry. Their goal is to provide tools that will inspire today’s youth to be tomorrow’s leaders. For more information visit 

Source: Olds College

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