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Social Media for agricultural extension and advisory services: A global survey

GFRAS logoThe ICT4RAS interest group of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) is conducting a global survey to understand the use of social media by the stakeholders of agricultural extension and advisory services.

Please give your views on social media in the following questionnaire titled “Social Media for agricultural extension and advisory services: A global survey” .

GFRAS logoThe ICT4RAS interest group of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) is conducting a global survey to understand the use of social media by the stakeholders of agricultural extension and advisory services.

Please give your views on social media in the following questionnaire titled “Social Media for agricultural extension and advisory services: A global survey” .

Click here to fill out the online survey

Your valuable views and comments would help us to understand better the present trends in social media for agricultural extension and advisory services and also to map present social media initiatives and future directions.

The outcome of the survey will be used in identification of capacity development needs, developing training modules and formulation of policy framework on social media for agricultural extension and advisory services.

This online survey will be conducted during 11th February to 31st March, 2015 and the responses will be analysed and draft discussion paper will be uploaded in the GFRAS website ( during August, 2015 for further consultation and follow-up activities.

The identity of the respondents and their responses will be kept anonymous and the responses in the survey will be used for research purpose only.