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Announcing the Winners of YPARD Nepal Family Farming Photo Contest

Transplanting_Rice_in_NepalYPARD Nepal is pleased to announce the winners of the Family Farming Photo Contest (#IYFF14).  

In order to support the International Year of Family Farming 2014, YPARD Nepal launched this photo contest open to Nepali citizens in August 2014. The goal was to give a stronger voice to family farmers as well as the recognition they deserve for their key role in the construction of a food secured future.

Transplanting_Rice_in_NepalYPARD Nepal is pleased to announce the winners of the Family Farming Photo Contest (#IYFF14).  

Nepali family farmers on the spotlight

In order to support the International Year of Family Farming 2014, YPARD Nepal launched this photo contest open to Nepali citizens in August 2014. The goal was to give a stronger voice to family farmers as well as the recognition they deserve for their key role in the construction of a food secured future.

In three months, YPARD Nepal received more than 200 submissions portraying family farmers livelihoods in the agricultural, livestock, pasture, forestry and aquaculture sectors from different landscapes of Nepal. YPARD Nepal´s jury selected 32 photos and published them for online voting as ‘Public Choices’ so that users could vote for the second and third positions whereas the first position was selected based on the jury’s choice.

And the winners are…

Bishoka Mulmi’s photo is declared as first winner of YPARD Nepal Family Farming Photo Contest from Jury's selection. In total  12,097 online votes were collected in which  Shibaraj Khatri and Prakash Paudel’s pictures with 1,925 and 1,661 votes are declared second and third winners, respectively. 

Winners will be awarded cash prizes (NRs. 20,000: 1st, NRs. 10,000: 2nd, NRs. 5,000: 3rd place) as well as certificates of appreciation during the opening session of the National Youth Forum on Agro-based Entrepreneurship Development (#NYFAED15) which will be held on 9th -11th January, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Thank YOU!

YPARD extends a sincere thanks to Dinesh Panday, YPARD Nepal representative, and Madan Poudel, Event Coordinator and AgriYouthNepal for running Family Farming Photo Contest online. Similar thanks goes to the respected judges -Om Yadav, Shailesh Gurung, and Rajendra Devkota-, and to YPARD Nepal team members -Smiriti Limbu, Bivek Mahat, Madhu Ghimire, Swarnima K C, Sapana Ghimire, Bindu Bhandari, Swikriti Pandey and Anuj Sharma.

Likewise, YPARD is very grateful to all the different collaborators -AgriYouthNepal, Nepal Agricultural Co-operative Central Federation Ltd. and Terai Development Forum-; sponsors -Agriculture and Forestry University, FORWARD Nepal, and MADE Nepal-; and media partners (Krishak ra Prabidhi) for their supportive hands. 

Congratulations to the winners of the Family Farming Photo Contest and Happy Holidays to all!

Tomato Harvesting
