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Boe Boe community, Solomon Islands, experienced a ten-days ‘Participatory 3D modelling (P3DM) for climate change’.

They used mapping and communication tools in the context of climate change adaptation.

"The team, led by Kenn Mondiai of Partners With Melanesians, and the Solomon Islands’ TNC staff and local partners, were able to hand over a vibrant, illustrated, ‘living’ and accurately-scaled model of the community customary lands and waters, at a ceremony involving Boe Boe village and neighboring communities."

Students and volunteers contributed as teams during 3 days to build the modelling. Then community members added the detail: their own houses, gardens, route, mangroves, forest paths, conservation areas, and anything else they reckoned important to note.


"In preparation for the Fourth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC IV) taking place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 9-13 May 2011, the International Labour Organization (ILO) released a report titled "Growth, Employment and Decent Work in the Least Developed Countries."

Construir una comunidad vibrante que intercambie conocimientos a través de múltiples plataformas web  y comparta aportes relevantes para el desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe es el principal objetivo del convenio de la FAO y el CIAT, para contribuir al fortalecimiento de la red YPARD LAC, durante el primer semestre de 2011.

Fruto de este taller, además de los momentos de camaradería y amistad, tenemos un borrador bastante avanzado de un nota concepto titulada Improving food security for the vulnerable communities of the LAC Region by developing the capacities of young professionals.