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Nadia Manning-Thomas - Linking development, youth and retail in an unconventional way

Nadia Manning-Thomas talks about her success story in the private sector at the GLFCOP19 Youth session - "Linking development, youth and retail in an unconventional way". (Read Nadia's blog)

The Youth session was organized by CIFOR and YPARD in the context of the Global Landscape Forum -  GLFCOP19, Warsaw, Poland, November 2013,  with the support of  CCAFSCGIARGFARCTA and FANRPAN.

Nadia Manning-Thomas talks about her success story in the private sector at the GLFCOP19 Youth session - "Linking development, youth and retail in an unconventional way". (Read Nadia's blog)

The Youth session was organized by CIFOR and YPARD in the context of the Global Landscape Forum -  GLFCOP19, Warsaw, Poland, November 2013,  with the support of  CCAFSCGIARGFARCTA and FANRPAN.