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Mali: Reversing the Exodus

In Mali's rural areas, most young people leave the villages to try and find work in the cities. This is known as "the exodus" and it has a devastating effect on the social fabric of remote areas. The elderly and the children remain, struggling to produce enough food. But now young people like Diallo Haroun are returning to their villages because of a new project which offers training and creates employment opportunities. 

This video was originally posted on IFAD TV channels  on 26 Jan 2012.

In Mali's rural areas, most young people leave the villages to try and find work in the cities. This is known as "the exodus" and it has a devastating effect on the social fabric of remote areas. The elderly and the children remain, struggling to produce enough food. But now young people like Diallo Haroun are returning to their villages because of a new project which offers training and creates employment opportunities. 

This video was originally posted on IFAD TV channels  on 26 Jan 2012.

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