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Youth recommendations at the Forests Asia Summit's closing plenary

Watch the closing plenary from the second day of Forests Asia 2014. A summary and discussion of commitments to research, investments and multi-stakeholder dialogues.

The youth recommendations were brought into the closing plenary, by Sarah Dickson-Hoyle, IFSA (co-organizer of the youth session). Skip at 53.55 mins for watching the youth recommendations.

Watch the closing plenary from the second day of Forests Asia 2014. A summary and discussion of commitments to research, investments and multi-stakeholder dialogues.

The youth recommendations were brought into the closing plenary, by Sarah Dickson-Hoyle, IFSA (co-organizer of the youth session). Skip at 53.55 mins for watching the youth recommendations.

Original source: CIFOR's youtube channel 

More information on the blog post: Youth in Forests Asia Summit: the end of the beginning