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The Borlaug Institute Seminar Series 2014 -- Climate change & Food security

The Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture welcomes Dr. Bruce McCarl and Dr. Rabi Mohtar, professors of Texas A&M University, to discuss how the world’s changing climate affects global food supplies and the measures that must be taken to ensure food security for future generations.

The lecture is the latest installment in the 2014 Borlaug Institute Seminar Series.

The Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture welcomes Dr. Bruce McCarl and Dr. Rabi Mohtar, professors of Texas A&M University, to discuss how the world’s changing climate affects global food supplies and the measures that must be taken to ensure food security for future generations.

The lecture is the latest installment in the 2014 Borlaug Institute Seminar Series.

McCarl, a 2007 Nobel Prize Laureate of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics.

Mohtar is Professor of Environmental and Natural Resources and is Founding Director of the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute.

This video was first published on the 16th of October, 2014 by Gabriel Saldana TV Channel. 

Watch it on YouTube.