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FAO's Work on Decent Rural Employment

In many rural areas, men and women mainly rely on the income from their labour in order to access food because it is often the only asset they have. Promoting decent rural employment is therefore an incredibly effective way to combat global hunger and reduce poverty. FAO has renewed its commitment to promoting decent farm and non-farm employment in its revised Strategic Framework. This video illustrates the characteristics of decent employment and how FAO, in close collaboration with the ILO and other relevant stakeholders, is working to promote more and better jobs in agriculture and rural areas.

This video was first published on FAO TV Channel on June the 25th, 2013.

Watch it on YouTube.

In many rural areas, men and women mainly rely on the income from their labour in order to access food because it is often the only asset they have. Promoting decent rural employment is therefore an incredibly effective way to combat global hunger and reduce poverty. FAO has renewed its commitment to promoting decent farm and non-farm employment in its revised Strategic Framework. This video illustrates the characteristics of decent employment and how FAO, in close collaboration with the ILO and other relevant stakeholders, is working to promote more and better jobs in agriculture and rural areas.

This video was first published on FAO TV Channel on June the 25th, 2013.

Watch it on YouTube.