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Youth Take Agriculture To Social Media

Farming in Kenya is largely considered a poor mans occupation or a last result option for the young. But now there is a crop of youth people who are adopting the use of social media and digital technologies to make money in agriculture. And as Salome Muiruri reports, Mkulima young, an agricultural digital platform is now their virtual space for matters ranging from farm production to marketing.

This video was originally posted on K24TV channel on November 3, 2014.

Farming in Kenya is largely considered a poor mans occupation or a last result option for the young. But now there is a crop of youth people who are adopting the use of social media and digital technologies to make money in agriculture. And as Salome Muiruri reports, Mkulima young, an agricultural digital platform is now their virtual space for matters ranging from farm production to marketing.

This video was originally posted on K24TV channel on November 3, 2014.

Watch it on YouTube.