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AltroPaesaggio's "Orticulturom" Project

”Orticulturom” is a pilot project carried out by the Italian association AltroPaesaggio in Scampia Roma settlement (Naples). Through this project, AltroPaesaggio raises awareness within the Gypsy community, particularly among young women about the importance of a proper nutrition through urban agriculture. The main project's goal is to generate a little agro-economic network to improve social economic condition and connect the Italian and Gypsy cultures.

Click here to grasp more about AltroPaesaggio's work in Scampia neighborhood through "Orticulturom" project.

”Orticulturom” is a pilot project carried out by the Italian association AltroPaesaggio in Scampia Roma settlement (Naples). Through this project, AltroPaesaggio raises awareness within the Gypsy community, particularly among young women about the importance of a proper nutrition through urban agriculture. The main project's goal is to generate a little agro-economic network to improve social economic condition and connect the Italian and Gypsy cultures.

Click here to grasp more about AltroPaesaggio's work in Scampia neighborhood through "Orticulturom" project.

This video was first published by YP4ARD TV Channel on June the 25th, 2015.

Watch it on YouTube.