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Engaging youth in agricultural development - Dr. Ramani, YPARD

Dr. Balasubramanian Ramani, former Coordinator of YPARD, the Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (namely: Young Professionals for Agricultural Development since 2014), discusses the critical role which young people must play in the future of agricultural development and policy directives.

The interview was conducted on site at the Global Conference for Agricultural Development (GCARD2010) in Montpellier, France on 31 March 2010.

This video was first published by FarmigFirst TV Channel on April the 6th, 2011.

Dr. Balasubramanian Ramani, former Coordinator of YPARD, the Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (namely: Young Professionals for Agricultural Development since 2014), discusses the critical role which young people must play in the future of agricultural development and policy directives.

The interview was conducted on site at the Global Conference for Agricultural Development (GCARD2010) in Montpellier, France on 31 March 2010.

This video was first published by FarmigFirst TV Channel on April the 6th, 2011.

Watch it on YouTube.