Basic Information
Name: |
Prakash Paudel
Gender: | |
Birthday: |
06 Mar
About Me: |
Passionate in agriculture with view that youth are change maker. My dedicated affiliation in this sector is to bring the change in the life of rural area where majority of people are still dependent on agriculture and farming is still in subsistence level and for those farmers who are still deprived of most of modern agricultural technologies. So my focus is that whatever the work is done in field of agricultural research or education, ultimately farmers should be benefited from this. Trend of limiting majority of research only to research farm and technologies not being adoptable to farmer field must be ended. So the change in farmer's life is only possible through adoption of suitable technologies in farmer field. So I will work in future to make access of new innovations to those farmers who are in real need.
Experties: | |
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Organization: | |
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Work Shaft: | |
How did you get to know Ypard?: |
Email: [email protected]
YPARD Global Coordination Unit
Hosted by AGRIDEA and the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Lausanne, Switzerland and Prague, Czech Republic